Lutheran Braille Workers currently publishes the Braille Bible or books from the Braille Bible in these languages: Amharic, Arabic, English, French, Indonesian, Kiswahili or Swahili, and Spanish. These languages might be avaialable for a special order: Latvian, Malayalam, Portuguese, Romanian, and Russian. There are other languages besides those above that they have published in the past. Please contact Lutheran Braille Workers regarding a special order in these languages.
Lutheran Braille Workers does not sell Braille Bibles or books from the Braille Bible. You need to request them
on this website link.
A Grade 2 Bible produced by Lutheran Braille Workers consists of 37 volumes embossed on durable 10×12 quality Braille paper. Each Bible is lovingly produced by our volunteers. Braille books are provided free of charge to readers who are Blind or Visually Impaired throughout the world.